
Winlock registration key
Winlock registration key

winlock registration key

MsgBox, 0x30, WinLock, Please select a row first. If not (CheckPass = Decrypt(Pass, A_Programs)) If InStr(A_LoopField, WinPass) & !(InStr(A_LoopField, "")) If InStr(A_LoopField, WinTitle) & !(InStr(A_LoopField, "")) MsgBox, 0x34, WinLock, Are you sure you want to delete %WinTitle%? If (CheckPass = Decrypt(Pass, A_Programs)) InputBox, CheckPass, WinLock, Please enter your password for %Name%, HIDE, 135, 160 IniWrite, %Encrypt%, %Ini%, Passwords, %WinProcP% IniWrite, %WinTitle%, %Ini%, Names, %WinProcP% GuiControl, WinAdd:Text, Static1, Insert a password for %WinTitle% `nNo more than 64 characters Tt := "Go to the window you'd like to lock`nand press LCtrl once it's active" GuiControl, Settings:+gChangeGenPass, Button1 GuiControl, Settings:, Edit1, % Encrypt(GPass, A_Programs) GuiControl, Settings:Text, Button1, Change MsgBox 0x30, Warning!, The password is incorrect. GuiControl, Settings:+gDoneSetGP, Button1 If (GenPass = Decrypt(PassGen, A_Programs)) InputBox, GenPass, WinLock, Please enter your WinLock password, HIDE, 135, 145 If (thisshittooktoolongtomake = Decrypt(WinPassVar, A_Programs)) InputBox, thisshittooktoolongtomake, WinLock, Please insert your password for %WinNameVar%,, 135, 160 IniRead, WinNameVar, %Ini%, Names, %WinActive% IniRead, WinPassVar, %Ini%, Passwords, %WinActive% WinGet, WinActive, ProcessPath, ahk_id %activeWin% Gui, Settings:Add, StatusBar, gSB, % RandArr(Tips) Gui, Settings:Add, Text,, Hotkey for WinLock to appear Gui, Settings:Add, Edit, w40 vMinutes, %Min% Gui, Settings:Add, Text, xm, Minutes for passwords to appear

winlock registration key

Gui, Settings:Add, Button, x+5 yp-1 gChangeGenPass, Change Gui, Settings:Add, Edit, w100 vGPass Disabled, %GenPass%

winlock registration key

Gui, Settings:Add, Text, x10 y10, General Password for WinLock`nNo more than 64 chars! Gui, WinAdd:Add, Button, x+5 gCancel, Cancel Gui, WinAdd:Add, Button, y+5 gAddWin2 Default, OK Gui, WinAdd:Add, Edit, w145 vPass Limit64 Password, Gui, WinAdd:Add, Text, h40 +Center, Insert a password for WinTitle`nNo more than 64 characters Gui, Add, CheckBox, x+5 gShowPass vShowPass, Show Passwords GUi, Add, Button, x+5 gDelWin, Delete Window Gui, Add, ListView, w400 h200 r20, WinName |WinPass IniWrite, % Encrypt(GenPass, A_Programs), %Set%, Other, GenPass InputBox, GenPass, Winlock, It seems this is the first time you have ran this program.`nPlease enter a password to lock it.`n(No more than 64 characters), Hide, 240, 180 Fol := "C:\Users\" A_UserName "\AppData\Local\EPBHs Creations\WinLock"

Winlock registration key